While it may appear to be a simpler option to store yard tools (like your rake, shovel, or garden cultivator) in the garage or even on the grass between uses, this can get rather sloppy—and harmful to your equipment.
A better way to keep things tidy (and your tools in good condition) is to invest in a small shed, which can be placed almost anywhere on your property. Not only does this give you a designated space for all of your outdoor gear, but it also helps to protect your belongings from the elements.
If you don’t have the budget for a shed, try these eight smart storage ideas for your yard and gardening tools.
Hang Pegboards in the Garage
A pegboard is a perfect solution to store smaller items like gloves, trowels, and shears. You can buy one at your local hardware store, or easily make your own with a piece of plywood and some screws. Simply drill holes into the plywood at regular intervals, then paint or finish it to match your garage. Hang the board on the wall using heavy-duty screws and use hooks to organize your tools.
Install Shelves in the Shed
Shelves are a great way to organize your gardening tools, especially if you have a lot of them. Not only do shelves take up less space than traditional tool racks, but they also make it easy to find what you’re looking for.
You can buy ready-made shelves at your local hardware store, or build your own using some basic lumber and brackets. If you’re feeling really ambitious, try adding a few cabinets to your shed for even more storage space.
Make a Tool Bucket
One of the best ways to keep your tools organized is to create a tool bucket for each type of equipment. This can be as simple as a plastic garbage can with a lid, or an old metal pail from your local hardware store.
Label each container with the name of the tool it contains and then place them in an easily accessible spot. When you’re finished using a tool, put it back in the appropriate container.
Store Tools in a Garden Cart
If you don’t have much space to store tools, try using a garden cart. These carts are designed to hold all of your gardening supplies, and some even come with built-in tool organizers. When you’re not using the cart, simply fold it up and store it in a garage or shed.
Create a Tool Rack
If you have a few extra minutes and some basic carpentry skills, you can easily create a tool rack for your yard tools. This project can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, but the basic idea is to build a frame out of lumber and then add hooks or pegs to hold your tools.
You can find step-by-step instructions for this kind of project on YouTube or in most home improvement stores — they even have pre-made tool racks that you can buy and install in minutes.
Add A Few Cabinets to your Shed
If you have a lot of gardening tools, or if you just want to be able to store other items in your shed, consider adding a few cabinets to the space. This will give you extra storage for all of your outdoor gear, and can also help keep your tools organized.
You can buy ready-made cabinets at your local hardware store, or you can build your own. If you’re handy with tools, building your own cabinets can be a fun weekend project.
Get a Garden Storage Bench
Yes, a garden storage bench can be both functional and stylish. Look for a bench with built-in storage, or add a storage box to an existing bench. This is a great place to store all of your gardening supplies, from gloves and soil to pots and plant food.
You can, of course, also use your garden storage bench as a place to sit and enjoy the outdoors. Add a few colorful cushions and you’ll have a comfortable spot to relax in your yard.
Install a Tool Hanger
If you don’t have much storage space in your shed, or if you just want a quick and easy way to organize your tools, consider installing a tool hanger. This is a simple metal rack that hangs on the wall and has hooks for all of your gardening tools.
A tool hanger is a great way to keep your yard looking neat and tidy, and it’s also a great way to ensure that you always know where your gardening tools are without having to search through a messy shed.
So there you have it, eight smart storage ideas for your yard and gardening tools. With these tips, you’ll be able to keep your yard looking neat and tidy, and your gardening tools organized and easy to find. Do you have any other tips for storing yard and gardening supplies? Share them in the comments below!
Happy gardening!
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