Disorganization can have many different origins. One might be due to ignorance, overwhelm, or pride, while another could stem from depression and lack of time management skills for success in one’s life. Any or all of these can contribute to disorganization and a life that feels chaotic.
There is also a connection between low energy and chaos. If you struggle with life and feel overwhelmed, it might be worth considering if low energy is a cause. Low energy can be a mental or a physical condition. It might be caused by worry, sadness, or exhaustion.
To understand the connection between low energy and chaos, consider how feeling overwhelmed can contribute to both. If you feel like things are out of control in your life, there is no doubt you will feel overwhelmed. That level of stress is exhausting. Worrying about how you will get things done can distract you from taking action on anything, thus creating more chaos for yourself.
Therefore, determining the root can help you turn things around and get back on track with your goals.
Your mental health might cause low energy.
Depression and anxiety can affect your stamina and your desire to get things done. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, it helps to have a mental health checkup. If your diagnosis is anxiety or depression, talk with your doctor about treating it. You may find that the chaos in your life starts to dissolve once you take medication for depression or anxiety.
Your physical health might also cause it.
If your low energy stems from an underlying physical condition like chronic pain or fatigue, that might be causing mental issues. If you are not feeling well physically, your mental health might be suffering. It can also affect your ability to focus or maintain a zest for life.
If your life is sedentary, it will affect your stamina and energy. You may not have the energy it takes to get through the day and manage your home or work.
If you are struggling with this type of energy problem, the first thing you have to do is identify the source of your low energy. Is it a lack of sleep? An underlying illness? Maybe your physical activity level is too low for your body.
What you may not know…
Living in chaos contributes to feeling low on energy. If your home is in disarray, it will be hard to feel good about that aspect of your life, and you will likely experience a sense of overwhelm that can leave you feeling tired.
A chaotic life can make you feel like there’s not enough time to do what you want. You might be busy trying to clean your home or racing around doing errands only to come home feeling that you still have more chores that need to be done. On top of this, it may leave you with little time for hobbies and relaxation activities.
Making your home better organized can contribute to having more energy. It can be as simple as putting away dishes after dinner or washing laundry promptly. It may mean hiring a cleaning service once a month, but it also might just require making sure that you have enough time to manage all of your chores before the day ends.
It’s important to remember that although cleaning can be an energizing activity, it does require energy. Work up to the level of cleanliness and organization you want for your home.
What may help
Taking steps to make your life more organized is a great way to increase your energy levels. Even simple changes like knowing where items are stored or getting rid of clutter can make a tremendous difference.
If you have time, consider creating a schedule for your day or week ahead of time. You may want to create a list on paper with times and activities planned out to know what you need to accomplish. This can help keep things organized and give you a boost of energy, as it feels good when you cross off items from your list.
If you have a cleaning service or just a few hours to devote each week, try outsourcing the cleaning of certain areas in your house. This may mean paying someone else to clean your kitchen floor and bathroom once a month, but it will also allow you time to focus on other chores that might be more important to your daily function.
If you still feel overwhelmed, consider sitting down and making a list of everything that needs to be done for the week, then creating priorities on how to get these things accomplished promptly. You can decide what must be done immediately or by a certain day and what could wait until another day.
The connection between feeling overwhelmed and chaos is a vicious cycle. When you feel like things are out of control, it can send your stress levels through the roof, which leads to even more overwhelming.
If this sounds familiar, take some time for self-care today by meditating or going for a walk outside in nature. You may find that life starts looking up again as soon as you get back from those activities!
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