Lowering fat content means healthier cooking. Today, more than ever, most people are conscious of practicing healthier eating habits, to avoid any unwanted health problems, or overweight conditions, that can be associated with excess fat in the diet.
Here are five steps to lower the fat in your cooking.

Avoid Frying Foods
To lower the fat in your cooking it’s best to grill, broil, or bake your food, in lieu of frying. These methods of cooking your food can help eliminate excess fat from meat and other food items. Not only do fried foods raise the fat content of your food, they also contribute to raising bad cholesterol levels in the body, thereby increasing your risk for cardiovascular disease. In fact, heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women today.
Use Lean Meats

If you are preparing meat for your meals it’s best to use lean meats, such as chicken and turkey. Fish, such as salmon, is also an excellent source of protein for you, which can provide you with the omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary to maintain a healthy diet. If, however, you prefer red meat, be sure to use the leanest cuts of red meat, and trim any excess fat away before cooking to lower the fat content of your meal.
Limit the use of margarine, butter, and oils in cooking.
When a recipe calls for margarine or butter, it’s best to choose low-fat varieties or substitute it with healthier cooking oil, such as extra virgin olive oil. Another way to lower the fat in your cooking with these items is simply to reduce the amount of margarine, butter, or oils that you normally use. You may find that adding a little extra spices to flavor your food, is a great substitute for the decrease in oils.
Use Whole Food Products

Whole food items include lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other food items that have not been processed, or preserved with additives. These are the healthiest food products that should be included in a healthy diet to lower fat content. Not only do they provide you with a lower fat content, but also are the most nutritious food to help lower your risk for developing heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Refrain from Using Too Much Processed Food
Although it’s convenient to simply use pre-packaged food items, frozen, or canned goods, in your cooking, it’s best to limit the use of these foods to lower the fat in your cooking. Many of these food products contain added creams, sauces, and other additives, that can significantly raise the fat content in your cooking. It’s best to reduce the amount of sugar in your cooking as well, which can further lower the fat content in your cooking.
Lowering the fat in cooking doesn’t have to be a difficult task, especially when you have these steps to follow that can help you cut down, and even eliminate extra fat, and calories from your food.
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